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Words for Nerds
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RXSLT is an experiment in looking at at alternatives to XML-encoded W3C markup processing languages. The current RXSLT language is based on XSLT 1.0 and XPath 1.0. Right now the following stuff is available:
The paper I'm presenting at the Extreme Markup 2006 Conference in Montreal, describing the RXSLT language in various forms: text, HTML and PDF. The paper contains links to various other similar alternatives to XML-encoded XSLT. There's one more that I was informed of post-conference that's similar to RXSLT: XSLTXT.
The grammar of the RXSLT language: text, HTML and PDF.
Samples from the XSLT 1.0 specification: text, HTML and PDF.
I've taken the six Extreme Markup Conference XSLT Style Sheets (you can find them on their DTD Page), and converted them to RXSLT.
The XSLT-to-RXSLT program written in Python, using the pattern matching library available on my Python work page.
The slides I used at the Extreme Markup 2006 Conference: PDF slides.
The whole lot is available as a ZIP file that you can download by clicking here: rxslt.zip. Have fun.
9 October 2006